Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tristin's First Sponsor!

Tristin got his first sponsor!


All he could say was "That's so SWEET!"

Monday, June 23, 2008

Andreas Wiig...

When Tristin was hanging out in town, the team was playing "Tap" with Andreas Wiig and Scotty Arnold. Tristin tapped Andreas and he picked him up and ran around with him. This is the only pic his friend got from his camera phone

Back from Mt Hood!!!!

Tristin is back from Mt Hood, OR with lots of new friends and memories!
He had a great time snowboarding out at Windells with his teammates in June!
Here are some of his pics he took along the way!
(l-r) Ian, Hunter, Leo, Ethan, Jake, Dylen, Lizz, Tristin, Jasmine, Joe...
front row...Mason and Jack.

Lindsey Jacobellis snowboarded with them one day!

Tristin ridin' the rails...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mt Hood...Day 2

Last night:

Tristin called and said "Mom...I think I broke my wrist, or twisted it
bad" He was pretty bubbly though and didn't sound upset. I asked How
and he explained he was ollieing over something on his skateboard and


"Hi Mom, we are heading up to the mountain to snowboard!" he was pretty excited!


"Hi Mom, I couldn't find my goggles in my bag so I had to buy a new pair!" YEAH RIGHT! Good reason to get a new pair...he has been wanted a new pair! "I got a pair that came with a bonus pair, so I got two pairs!" "Oh...and I lost my lift pass!" So how are you going to snowboard? "I don't know! Guff didn't know, he will find out tomorrow"

Trying something new...

Tristin was in the Outer Banks of North Carolina for a week and tried a couple new things!
Sandboarding on the Dunes
Boogyboarding in the Atlantic

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mt Hood...Here we come!

Tristin left for Mt Hood this morning at 7am! He is by far the smallest and youngest, but he will have a great time and learn lots...hopefully snowboarding stuff and not older kid stuff!
Tristin and Mason having a quick breakfast
before the plane ride (so sad it is blurry)
Tristin, Guff and Hunter boarding the plane.
6:30pm: Tristin just called and is heading to Mt Hood. He said they saw Mt St. Helens and they are almost to camp. He sounded very excited and said they got to skateboard in the airport too!