Thursday, December 27, 2007

Crash n' Burn...

Tristin's first Crash n' Burn happened today!

He bit the bullet on one of the rails and it bit him back!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

First Snow practice...

Tristin's first practice with the G-Team on snow.

On to bigger and better....

In March we headed to Elm Creek for more of a challenge. It was 60 degrees out and one of the last days of the snow. It was so slushy but it was really warm out! It was a good thing it was slushy, it slowed Tristin down a bit as he headed down for the jump!

The tow rope was a challenge in itself!

First time over the jump...this is what Mom saw! Tristin.........and then nothing? Did he land? YEP!

Tristin mastering the jump and catching some air!

First Try...

In January Tristin first tried snowboarding. Tristin's first try at snowboarding was in the backyard. He first tried building a hill from the trampoline.

That didn't work so well, so he built one off the deck. Still wasn't high enough for him though!